Choir Tour

In May, the WSU Concert Choir and Chamber Singers traveled to western Washington for an outreach/recruiting tour. Twenty-six singers and four faculty visited 13 high schools and three community colleges in the Vancouver, Olympia, Tacoma, Auburn, and Snoqualmie areas. In addition to school visits, the choirs collaborated with various groups for two evening concerts and also performed in the rotunda of the Washington Capitol Building.

The WSU choirs have seen tremendous growth since the end of the pandemic due to engagement with our alumni, outreach events like our spring tour and WSU Choral Leadership Retreats, and other outstanding student experiences. In the past two years, the WSU choirs have performed at the NW-NAfME and NW-ACDA conferences, collaborated with Whitworth University, and performed in the Classical Music Festival in Eisenstadt, Austria. This year, the WSU choirs, along with the Palouse Choral Society, premiered a commissioned work by Dale Trumbore. In October, the WSU Choirs will premiere a commission by composer/conductor Correen Duffy during her residency for our WSU Choral Festival. In the spring of 2025, the WSU choirs will perform Fauré’s Requiem, and members of the WSU choirs will perform in Carnegie Hall and at Honolulu, Hawaii, in May.

Group photo of the choir tour at the Washington State Capital building holding up two cougar flags. Links to full size image.

For more information on WSU choirs, visit our vocal/choral ensemble webpage.

To listen to the choirs, please visit our WSU Pullman Music playlist.

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