Cougar Summer Music Camp

From June 23–29, 2024, over 100 students from across the region attended the Annual WSU Cougar Summer Music Camp. It was an incredible week of music-making and community building!

The WSU Cougar Summer Music Camp was open to incoming eighth graders through graduating high schoolers. Students were placed in up to two large ensembles and with secondary ensembles that included jazz band, musical theatre, and chamber music. All students engaged with electives from a variety of courses, including rock history, Native American music, film music, leadership and marching skills, introduction to improvisation, double reed making, and African drumming. There were comradery building activities throughout the week, including a recreation night and an outdoor cookout. Highlighting the week were plenty of concerts and performance opportunities, including a faculty recital, student recital, chamber music concert, and a culminating finale concert.

We thank all the students, parents, families, faculty, staff, and administrators who helped make the 2024 Cougar Summer Music Camp the biggest and best yet! If you attended the 2024 WSU Cougar Summer Music Camp, we’d love to hear about your experience. Submit a testimonial

Summer Music Camp students all wearing crimson in a large group photo. Links to full size image.
Cougar Summer Music Camp

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