Cougar Summer Music Camp
Save the Date: June 22-28, 2025. More info coming soon!
Grades 8-12 (current 7th graders, and recent graduates are okay to join!)
Registration/Required Forms Links:
Overnight Camper Cost: $725
Day Camper Only: $375
Our Annual WSU Cougar Summer Music Camp welcomes all band, choir, and orchestra students grades 7-12 to join us for another fantastic summer. Ensembles include concert band, jazz band, orchestra, choir, musical theater, African drumming, and more!
We are excited to highlight the return of our string program this summer!!
Join us today!!
Camp Description:
Every camper will work with outstanding Washington State University faculty members to improve their musical skills. This camp focuses on building playing fundamentals through private lessons, master classes, lectures, seminars, and performance opportunities. Students will also explore other areas of interest such as music theory, rock and roll history, jazz improvisation, conducting, and more. There will be lots of down time for evening activities and fun!
School of Music Faculty can be found at:
The entire staff will be on hand for the camp, as well as supplemental staff from across the region to help as counselors and music coaching!
Sample Schedules:
Please see attached Excel file for a sample schedule of the week.
Material Requirements:
-Your Instrument/Voice
-Repertoire/Music: You will be given music for the week’s camp. However, if you are wanting to perform on a recital at the start of the week, there will be an audition for that, thus you must have your own music (and piano part for us to accompany you).
–Music stand, metronome, and pencil
–The required value oil and slide grease needed for a week of playing.
-Personal items (clothing, toiletries, sheets, blankets, pillow, medicine, etc)
$725 for overnight campers includes private lessons, masterclasses, admission to the final concert, and camp shirt. This fee includes all your evening activities as well.
$375 for day campers. This cost includes all the items for overnight campers, minus housing, breakfast and evening meal.
Please mail the registration fee via check made out to: WSU School of Music
School of Music
Washington State University
Attention: Kristine Tims
PO Box 645300
Pullman, WA 99164-5300
Application Deadline:
Application, recordings, forms and fees must be received by June 1, 2024
Deadline extension to Monday, June 3rd at 5pm
Recording Requirements:
Please include a recording to let us know more about your performance level. There are more instructions in the registration form.
Download Flyer
Questions? Contact Danh Pham