WSU Orchestra Festival
Save the Date: This year’s Orchestra Festival is November 8, 2024.
Register is Closed
Each year, the WSU School of Music welcomes high school and middle school orchestras throughout the region for an educational orchestra festival. We offer the opportunity to receive feedback from respected clinicians who will help your orchestra to improve technique, maximize artistic expression, and set goals for the year.
Festival Format
Each participating orchestra will have 20 minutes on stage to perform and receive feedback from one of our guest clinicians. Each performance will be followed by a 30-minute clinic!
Audio Recordings
Each director will receive recordings of audio commentary, and a recording of their orchestra’s performance.
Festival Schedule
This year’s WSU Orchestra Festival will take place on Friday, November 8, 2024. Performances/clinics will begin at 8 AM and continue throughout the day. The WSU Symphony Orchestra will perform a gala concert in Bryan Hall.
We will provide a detailed schedule of performing groups and times in late October, after festival registration closes.
Please register for each group that will perform. Registration for each ensemble is $375. (If a school has multiple groups performing, payments can come as one check.) Full refunds will be given should WSU cancel the event or if schools are unable to attend for any reason.
You may consider checking with your building administrator to see if ESSER monies are available to support your attendance at our festival. This is a wonderful opportunity for your students to begin the year in a supportive, energetic, and educational environment while engaging with a well-known clinician.
Registration will open on September 9, 2024 and will close on October 18, 2024. Please register your ensemble as soon as you are able, as participation is first-come, first-served.