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Washington State University
College of Arts and Sciences School of Music

School of Music Facilities

Date: November 3, 2008

To: All Departments, Washington State University

Dr. Gerald Berthiaume, Director, School of Music
Dr. Paul Whitney, Dean, College of Liberal Arts

RE: Bryan Hall Service Center Closure

Dear Colleagues:
The School of Music announces the closing of Bryan Hall Service Center.  Bryan Hall Theatre and Kimbrough Concert Hall are no longer available for rental by university or non-university users.

A close look at the use of these facilities by non-School of Music users during the AAPP process in the Spring of 2008, revealed minimal availability at a maximum resource cost to the School of Music. The ever growing curricular needs of the School of Music for student, faculty and ensemble performances, as well as rehearsal, set up and music instruction in these spaces are adequately met by the staff assigned to music production without additional time to support outside events.
The School of Music has used Bryan Hall Theatre as a performance space for many years while it was also used as a general university classroom.  Bryan Hall Theatre is no longer a general university classroom, a decision made by the University in 2003.

Bryan Hall Service Center has historically supported events sponsored by the President’s Office (Convocation, Fall Address, State of the University Address), Beasley’s Chamber Music series and Children’s series, and VPLAC events.  In addition, there were occasional opportunities for a departmental lecture or campus-wide awareness event, resulting in no more than 10 additional events per year.  The School of Music produces over 100 events per academic year.  We intend to continue to support a very limited number of university-wide events produced by the President’s Office, Beasley and VPLAC.

Bryan Hall Theatre and Kimbrough Concert Hall will continue to provide, via the School of Music, an outstanding assortment of student, faculty and ensemble performances, from classical to jazz to contemporary.  All of our events are open to the public and most are without charge.